Dr. Al Ohrt

Launching Scholarships in Loving Memory of a Dedicated Nurse

By Dr. Al Ohrt

Dr. Al Ohrt is a retired radiologist and longtime supporter of Fargo Elim. His wife Phyllis moved to Fargo Elim when her need for care increased. After her passing, Dr. Ohrt gave a generous gift in Phyllis’s memory to launch an endowment fund for staff nursing scholarships.

“A caring, skilled, well-prepared staff is a high priority in all aspects of healthcare, especially long-term care. My mother would have been pleased,” says Dr. Ohrt’s daughter Jule. Dr.  Ohrt, who serves on the Fargo Elim Community Advisory Board, also gave generously to support Fargo Elim’s capital campaign after a fi re damaged the building. Here, he shares thoughts about his choices.

I knew I wanted to be a doctor while taking eleventh grade physics. I met my wife Phyllis when I was in medical school and she was in nursing school. After marriage, Phyllis worked as a nurse for a few years and then stepped back to raise our family—but was always a nurse at heart. My daughter Holly, who became a pharmacist, reminisces about dinners where conversations often revolved around medicine.

As years passed, Phyllis and I discussed what we’d do if one or both of us needed care. Our choice was clear: Fargo Elim. We knew the staff to be excellent and appreciated the smaller size and the family culture.

When Phyllis’s health declined, she moved to Fargo Elim—and we saw so many talented CNAs there. After losing Phyllis, I wanted to do something special in her memory and gave a gift to start a scholarship program. I’m pleased Phyllis and I have been able to support CNAs as they pursue growth in their careers.

When I heard about the fire at the care center and plans to rebuild, I wanted to contribute to the capital campaign. I firmly believe the Fargo Elim care center needs to be rebuilt.

My daughter Holly says, “Wherever I live, it would be really nice to know there’s a place like Elim Fargo for me, if I need it.” That’s just how I feel, too.

For more information about planned gifts and other donations, please contact Megan.Tucker@CassiaLife.org or call 952-855-5188.