Virtual Meetings Narrow Distancing’s Gap

The coming of coronavirus, the respiratory illness, COVID-19, that it causes, and the resulting world-wide pandemic presented the men’s group with a problem. To help decrease the spread of the sometimes fatal COVID-19, gatherings small and large are avoided. Utilizing Zoom is a way to hold meetings, albeit virtually, to reduce the possible transmission of virus while sustaining a level of connection. READ MORE

Virtual Meetings Narrow Distancing’s Gap

ZOOM! “We’ll meet this week as usual,” said David, my men’s group leader. “The nine of us, at my place, sort of. I’ll be sending you the how-to of ZOOM! software that works for get-togethers… READ MORE

Paige Lillquist at Lakeside Generations

Coworkers at Lakeside Generations in Dassel, Minnesota nominated Rehabilitation Aide Paige Lillquist for this month’s Face of Caring. She is constantly coming in early to help residents and staff during the morning shift change. Her… READ MORE

COVID-19 Family Resource Line

If you have questions about our infection prevention program, visiting restrictions or other questions during this time, please call 952-855-5005. I look forward to helping you. Frequently asked Questions How can I connect with my… READ MORE

The Chihuahua Wagon

By Wendi Dressen Director of Volunteer Engagement When I say “Chihuahua”, you say “Wagon”.Chihuahua. Wagon. Chihuahua! Wagon! What is a Chihuahua Wagon and what does it have to do with volunteering at Cassia?  So glad… READ MORE

The Chihuahua Wagon

When I say “Chihuahua”, you say “Wagon”.Chihuahua. Wagon. Chihuahua! Wagon! By Wendi Dressen Director of Volunteer Engagement. What is a Chihuahua Wagon and what does it have to do with volunteering at Cassia?  So glad… READ MORE